Slide background
realistic page turning effect
built-in templates and scenes
responsive and interactive
SEO friendly
Google Analytics Integration
free updates & support
LayerSlider on cellphone LayerSlider on tablet LayerSlider on computer
Slide background Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile

Customizable flipbook templates and dynamic scenes

Interactive flipbook with embedded video, audio, button, hyperlinks, etc.

Responsive with Smart Resize & Touch-enabled!

Multi-language & online & offline flipbooks!

flipbook background
Easy to embed Butterfly Acorn

HTML5 Page-turning Flipbook features


Flipbooks are responsive

Responsive flipbooks look great on all devices ( desktops, tablets, and phones).


Enrich your flipbook content with YouTube video, local video, music, images, GIF shape, callout, text, chart, number icon, button and hyperlinks. This feature is available for Flipbook Maker Pro, both Mac and Windows version. Learn more

Cloud Storage


By clicking the Upload button of Next FlipBook Maker, you can easily create an account and upload your flipbook to Nextflipbook Cloud Hosting. Nextflipbook Cloud uses Amazon S3 to store your flipbook, which is safe and convenient for access. After uploading, you will get the unique url of your flipbook. From Book Management window, you can view and manage all your online flipbooks.

Flipbook Privacy


Next FlipBook Maker allows you to add password to protect your flipbook from unwanted access. You can set a single password for all readers or create unique username and password for each reader. You can apply the password to protect all pages or leave first several pages public and make following pages protected.

Offline flipbook

If you don’t want to upload flipbook online, click the Publish button to output offline flipbooks. Here are 4 formats for you to choose: html, zip, app and exe. App flipbook can be opened directly on Mac and exe flipbooks can be opened directly on Windows. Flipbooks in html and zip formats need to be opened in computer browsers.

  • HTML
  • ZIP
  • APP
  • EXE

Built-in FTP

Next FlipBook Maker’s built-in FTP allows you to upload flipbook to your own website or server directly. Just click the FTP button on Next FlipBook Maker interface to open the FTP window and you can start uploading.

WordPress Plugin

If you have WordPress. Joomla or Drupla websites, you can use Next Flipbook Maker to publish plugin or module to install on your website, and then embed flipbook to any webpage or blog. Learn more

Flipbook Logo


Flipbooks come with logo will definitely promote your brand. With Next FlipBook Maker, you can easily add logos and homepage links to your digital page flipping magazine, brochure, catalog, etc.

Batch Convert

With Flipbook Maker Pro version, you can batch convert multiple PDF documents to separate flipbooks. You can

  • Select all pages or any page range.
  • Create flipbooks in the same format or different formats.
  • Use the same template or different tempalte for each flipbook.
  • Set different toolbar language for each flipbook.

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